Friday, December 17, 2010

Bharatanatyam Video

Amazing Bharatanatyam performance on YouTube:

Who owns Yoga?

There has been some recent debate across the web as to who 'owns' Yoga. First of all, Yoga is a practice and not a possession. Therefore nobody can actually own Yoga. This debate was started in America, not India , and according to Deepak Chopra is nothing more than Hindu nationalism and perhaps an innocent attempt by the Indian diaspora in America to gain some respect.

As far as I am concerned, nobody would claim that the practice of riding a bike belongs to the French or that playing soccer belongs to the English. Of course, Yoga has its roots in India but the practice its practice perhaps even predates Hinduism itself.

Shiva - God of Destruction (and new beginnings)

Perhaps my favourite God of the Hindu pantheon. How many times have I invoked Shiva's destructive force in my life? - out with the old, in with the new. His 'third eye' represents the Mind's Eye which all human beings have. Here is an e-how article on how to open your third eye!


Krishna revealing his Universal Form to Arjuna

C.V.Rajan tells the story of Krishna over at HubPages.

What is Dharma?

Google's first two definitions of "dharma" are as follows:

  • basic principles of the cosmos; also: an ancient sage in Hindu mythology worshipped as a god by some lower castes;
  • The term (Sanskrit: '', dhamma) is an Indian spiritual and religious term that means one's righteous duty, or any virtuous path. A Hindu's dharma is affected by a person's age, class, occupation, and gender. In Indian languages it can be equivalent simply to religion, depending on context. ...

What is Dharma? - article by Ramesh Manocha